Self Appraisal 

Why should I use this form?

Use this form to do a self appraisal.

What are the pre-requisites?

·         Appraisal Calendar for the appraisal period should be available

·         Approved Goals should be available

·         Review with Rating should have been completed


Who can access this form? 

This form shall be visible to all employees to whom the visibility is given in Product Setup ® Module Role Mapping/Module Administration.

How to navigate to this form?

Point to PMS menu, select Self Appraisal under Self Appraisal.


This form shows the list of previous approved records i.e goals approved either through Goal setting approval or goal review approval as per the configuration.

Note: In case of Full Template, all the goals will be available in this form, based on the master settings.

Tabs in this form are shown based on the settings done in Section Configurator form.

1.       All the approved Goals are shown in the Goals tab.

2.       Enter actual achievement against each Goal and select self rating.

3.       Click other tabs and provide necessary information.

·         Total Weightage – shows the sum of weightages of all Goals.

·         Goals Total wtd. Score (WS) – shows the sum of weighted rating of all Goals

·         Overall Rating – shows the rating generated based on calculations set. Click the link ‘View Calculation’ to view calculation.


4.       Click [Calculate] to calculate the Overall Rating.

5.       Click [Save] to save the Self Appraisal details. This is available so that, if need be, you can save the details and re-work on it later.

6.       Click [Submit] to submit the Self Appraisal for approval.

7.       Click [Reset] to refresh the form.