Manage Positions

Why should I use this form?

Use this form to create/update position details.

This will be one of the important stages where details regarding the positions are maintained. These details include Designation, Compensation Range, Functional Area, Position Level, Educational and Skill details, Template Information such as Induction Template, Welcome Letter Template, Exit Interview Template, Appointment Letter Template, etc, Job Information such as OU, Department, Grade, Employment Type, Notice period, etc.

Positions can be created for multiple Entity, OU, Location, Designation, Grade, Cost Centre.

What are the Pre-requisites?

·         Function Profile should be available.

·         OU, Department, Location, Grade, Shift should be available.

·         Exit Interview Template, Offer Template, Separation Activity Template, Appointment Letter Template, Interview Feedback Template should be available.


Who can access this form? 

This form shall be visible to Role Players who are mapped in the Recruitment Process Setup (Recruitment ® Erec Master) form.

How to navigate to this form?

Point to Recruitment menu, select Manage Positions under Position Management.


Grid shows the list of existing Positions. Use the filter section to filter records in the grid based on a condition.

Information in this form is given in six tabs, viz.,

·         Position Information tab

·         Job Information tab

·         Template Information tab

·         Education Details tab

·         Skill Details tab

·         Separation Details tab

Each of the tabs is explained below:

Position Information

Details related to the Position are captured/shown in this tab.

Field Name


Position Number

Enter Position Number. If an existing Position is selected,


Select Designation by clicking the ellipse button. 

Function Profile

Select the Function Profile from the drop down field. List of all the available Function Profiles are shown in this field.

Position Effective Date

Select the Date from when the Position will be in effect. This ensures that a Position is in effect only from the date chosen and there is no recruitment activity that can start for this before this date.

Note: This can be past or future or current date.

Position Reason

Select the reason for the Position. Available options are:

·         Additional Staff

·         New Profile

·         Replacement Staff


Select the Shift that will be applicable to the Position. List of all the available Shifts are shown in this field.

Key Position

Checking the Box against this field indicates that the Position, which has been created, is considered as a Key Position in the Organization. This has no impact and is only for recording purpose.

Functional Area

Select the Functional Area of this Position.

Position Level

Select the Position Level.

Max Head Count

Enter the Maximum Head Count for this Position. Max headcount refers to the maximum headcount in the Organization for the Position. This is only for recording purpose and has no impact on Recruitment and is only indicative.

Position Short Title

Enter short title for the position.

Experience (years)

Enter the minimum and maximum years of experience that the position requires.

Reporting To

Click the ellipse button to select the Reporting Manager for the position. On clicking this button, the Search Expert window appears, allowing searching and selecting employee.

Functional Reporting To

Selected Reporting Manager’s Reporting Manager will appear in this field, by default. It is also possible to change it if required.


1.       This is based on the configuration parameter. If the config_key ‘IS_FUNREP_CHANGE_REQ’ is set to ‘Y’ then the Functional Manager will be selected automatically based on the Reporting Manager.

If the config_key ‘IS_FUNREP_CHANGE_REQ’ is set to ‘N’, then the Functional Manager has to be selected by the user

2.       If there is no Reporting Manager for the employee selected in ‘Reporting to’ field, then the Functional Reporting To field will be empty.

Minimum compensation

Enter Minimum Compensation and choose the currency.

Maximum compensation

Enter Maximum Compensation and choose the currency.


This option indicates if the interviewer can delegate the interview that has been scheduled for this position, to another employee or not.  If this option is selected as ‘No’ then it is not possible to delegate the interview that is scheduled for this position.


Select the Status of the Position.

Note: When creating a Position, the status will be selected as ‘Active’ by default.


Click the Job Information tab to enter/edit Job information details.



Business Unit

Select the Business Unit by clicking the ellipse button.

Note: If the logged in employee is a 'SUPERHRFAC' role player, then this field will show all the OUs in the organization. If the logged in employee is role player other than 'SUPERHRFAC', then the field will show the list of OUs that are mapped to the role and priority.


Select the Department.  List of all the active Departments are shown in this field.

Cost Centre

Select the Cost Centre.  List of all the active Cost Centres are shown in this field.


Select the Grade for the Position.

Contract Type

Select the Contract Type


Select the Location by clicking the ellipse button.

Employee Type

Select Employee Type

Team Management

Select if the Position involves Team Management or not.

Notice Period in days

Enter the notice period required for this Position in days.

No. of subordinates

Enter the number of subordinates that the Position will have.

No of Direct Reportees

Enter the number of direct reportees that the Position will have.

Direct Reports

Name of the position which will directly report to the employee mapped to this vacancy

Personality Traits

Enter the Personality Traits of the position. Personality traits are characteristics or personal ability, which are required of employees filling in a position.


Enter Comments, if any

Necessary information required

Any important information required about the vacancy or related to candidate selection will be captured here.

Team Size

Enter the approximate team size for the position.

Note: Number can be entered here only if the ‘Team Management’ option is selected as ‘Yes’.


Click the Template Information tab to select Template information details.


This tab contains information about the various templates that will be mapped to this Position.

Field guidelines are given below:

Field Name


Induction Test Type

Select the type of Induction Test.

Induction Test Template

Select the Induction Test Template.

Note: If the Induction Test Type is selected as ‘Standalone’ then this field will show the list of all the active Standalone test templates.

If the Induction Test Type is selected as ‘Package’ then this field will show the list of all the active Package test templates.

Welcome Letter

Select the Welcome Letter Template. The selected welcome letter will appear as a pop-up when the employee logs into Adrenalin until the ‘Show this when you log in next time’ option is de-selected.

Offer Template

Select the Offer Template. Offer letter will be issued to the candidate for this position based on the selected offer template.

Pre-Apply Test Template

Test process is Not available in this release.

Post-Apply Test Template

Test process is Not available in this release.

Pre-joining Activity Template

Select the Pre-joining Activity Template that will be applicable to this Position. List of pre-joining activities in the selected Template will be triggered when the candidate joins the organization.

Induction Activity Template

Select the Induction Activity Template that will be applicable to this Position. List of Induction Activities in the selected Template will be triggered when the employee is assigned with Induction process.

Relieving Letter Template

Select the Relieving Letter template that will be applicable to this position. When the candidate resigns from the organization, his/her relieving letter will be generated based on the selected Template.

Appointment Letter Template

Select the Appointment Letter template that will be applicable to this Position. When the candidate joins the organization, his/her appointment letter will be generated based on the selected Template.

Interview Feedback Template

Select the Interview Feedback template that will be applicable to this Position. When a candidate for this Position is interviewed, then this template will be used to provide feedback about the interview.

Note: Pre-joining, Induction and Separation Templates are maintained in the Activity Template Master Form. This form allows you to maintain a template of activities and record them under the relevant category (Pre-joining, Induction and Separation). In the Manage Position form, you can then select relevant templates for the Position. When you recruit for a vacancy linked to a position and you have also specified the templates for the above three, then these are automatically set up at the relevant stages in the employee life cycle.

However, these can be changed later based on requirement.

Click the Education Details tab to enter/select education details for this position.

Education Details


This tab contains information about the educational qualifications that are required for this Position.

Field guidelines are given below:

Field Name



Select the Level of Education from the drop down field.


Select the Discipline from the drop down field. If the required Discipline is not available in the drop down, click the ellipse button to add new Discipline.


Select the Specialization of education from the drop down field. If the required Specialization is not available in the drop down, click the ellipse button to add new Specialization.

% Marks or Grade

Select the % of Marks/Grade that the candidate should have attained for this position.

Click [Add Row] to add more details.

To delete any row, select the row by clicking the check box and click [Delete Row]. Selected row will be deleted.

Click the Skill Details tab to enter/select skill details for this position.

Skill Details


This tab contains information about the Skill set details that are required for this Position.

Field guidelines are given below:

Field Name



Select the Category of skill required for this position.  If the required Skill is not available in the drop down, click the ellipse button to add new Skill.

Skill Name

Select the Skill Name from the drop down field. If the required Skill Name is not available in the drop down, click the ellipse button to add new Skill Name.

Skill Level

Select the level of proficiency in the selected Skill.

The given range indicates 1 – lowest and 10 the highest proficiency.

Experience in months

Enter the experience in number of months that the candidate should have in the selected Skill.

Click [Add Row] to add more details.

To delete any row, select the row by clicking the check box and click [Delete Row]. Selected row will be deleted.

Click the Separation Details tab to enter/select Exit Interview template, Separation Activity template and specify notice period for various employment status.

Separation Details


·         Select the Exit Interview Template that will be mapped to the Position.

·         Select Separation Activity Template that will be mapped to the Position.

·         Enter Notice Period for various employment status (Confirmed, Probationer, Trainee)

Click [Submit] to save the Position.

Click [Reset] to refresh the form.

Post Activity

On submission, this will be sent for approval as per the workflow settings.  Approved Positions will be available in the Interview Level and Vacancy Creation forms.