Confirmation without Appraisal

Why should I use this form?

This, we call the Type 1 method. In this, the HRFAC or the Confirmation FAC, or any authorized role player initiates the confirmation process and this doesn’t involve Appraisal.

This form shows the list of employees, based on two conditions:

·         Employment status should be either ‘Probationer’ or ‘Trainee’

·         Confirmation due date of these employees should be in between the current date and the Conf_days (which is configured in Adrenalin Configuration Editor against the parameter ‘Conf_days’)

The initiator selects an employee and submits it for approval. Upon approval, the employment details of the employee are updated.

Note: Confirmation initiation cannot be done for employees whose resignation has been approved.


What are the Pre-requisites?

Following parameters has to be set in Adrenalin Configuration Editor (Admin à  Product Setup à  Adrenalin Configuration Editor)

·         Conf_Appraisal = ‘N’

·         Conf_Automation = ‘N’


Who can access this form?  

This form shall be visible to all employees to whom the visibility is given in Product Setup à  Module Role Mapping/ Module Administration.

How to navigate to this form?

Point to HR Tasks menu, select Employee Confirmation under Confirmation.


Select the employee from the grid for whom the confirmation has to be initiated. Selected employee details will be populated automatically in the Employee confirmation screen.

Enter Comments

Click the [Browse] button to upload any document related to the confirmation process.

Note: Document attached here will be available in the approval form, and after approval of the confirmation, the attached document can be viewed using the Attachment View form (Personal -> Attachments)

Click [Submit].

Click [Reset] to refresh the form.

Routing and Approval

On submission, it will be sent to approver for approval. Mail notification will be sent as per the settings done in the workflow definition.

Once approved, employment details of the employee are updated.