Module Role Mapping
Why should I use this form?
Very large enterprises have the concept of responsibilities or roles divided amongst many people. For example, such large enterprises will define a user to be responsible only for handling absence or leave management & appraisals will be handled by a different user. Adrenalin application lets you handle such scenarios by means of module role mapping.
This form is used to map modules to various roles. By mapping modules to a role, the role player will be in a position to see or perform transactions on behalf of people under his facilitation for that module. For example, if the logged in employee holds a confirmation responsibility defined through a role called ‘ConfirmationFac’ and Confirmation module is mapped to this role, then she/he can view confirmation details of employees who are under his/her facilitation (OU/Location/Grade/Region/Position/ City/Department/ Designation/Pay Group.)
This security feature has an effect only when the Employee Summary form is also enabled for the corresponding module. For example, if confirmation module is mapped to a role called “ConfirmationFAC” and if Employee Summary option is enabled for confirmation module, then this role player can see relevant data for employees under his/her facilitation or perform transactions on behalf of the employee.
What are the Pre-requisites?
Role players who are defined using the form “Manage Role Players”
Who can access this form?
This form shall be visible to all employees to whom the visibility is given in Product Setup ® Module Role Mapping/Module Administration.
How to access this form?
Point to Admin menu, select Module Role Mapping under Product Setup.
Figure 3‑9 Module Role Mapping
This form has two sections. The section on the left side shows all the current modules along with their priority.
The next section on the right side, shows all the available roles.
To map role(s) to a module,
Select the module on the left side, by clicking the module name.
Select the role(s) that will be mapped to the selected module, by clicking the check box.
Enter the priority for the selected module, based on which the queue server (MSMQ) will process the request.
Click [Submit] to save the details.
Click [Reset] to refresh the form.